Module rayon::str

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Parallel iterator types for strings

You will rarely need to interact with this module directly unless you need to name one of the iterator types.

Note: ParallelString::par_split() and par_split_terminator() reference a Pattern trait which is not visible outside this crate. This trait is intentionally kept private, for use only by Rayon itself. It is implemented for char, &[char], [char; N], &[char; N], and any function or closure F: Fn(char) -> bool + Sync + Send.


Parallel iterator over the bytes of a string
Parallel iterator over the characters of a string, with their positions
Parallel iterator over the characters of a string
Parallel iterator over a string encoded as UTF-16
Parallel iterator over lines in a string
Parallel iterator over substrings that match a pattern, with their positions
Parallel iterator over substrings that match a pattern
Parallel iterator over substrings separated by a pattern
Parallel iterator over substrings separated by ASCII whitespace
Parallel iterator over substrings separated by a pattern
Parallel iterator over substrings separated by a terminator pattern
Parallel iterator over substrings separated by whitespace


Parallel extensions for strings.