use std::{io, time::Duration};
#[cfg(feature = "event-stream")]
use super::sys::Waker;
use super::InternalEvent;
pub(crate) mod unix;
pub(crate) mod windows;
/// An interface for trying to read an `InternalEvent` within an optional `Duration`.
pub(crate) trait EventSource: Sync + Send {
/// Tries to read an `InternalEvent` within the given duration.
/// # Arguments
/// * `timeout` - `None` block indefinitely until an event is available, `Some(duration)` blocks
/// for the given timeout
/// Returns `Ok(None)` if there's no event available and timeout expires.
fn try_read(&mut self, timeout: Option<Duration>) -> io::Result<Option<InternalEvent>>;
/// Returns a `Waker` allowing to wake/force the `try_read` method to return `Ok(None)`.
#[cfg(feature = "event-stream")]
fn waker(&self) -> Waker;