Adding A Parser

Finding a parser

New parsers for difftastic must be reasonably complete and maintained.

There are many tree-sitter parsers available, and the tree-sitter website includes a list of some well-known parsers.

Add the source code

Once you've found a parser, add it as a git subtree to vendored_parsers/. We'll use tree-sitter-json as an example.

$ git subtree add --prefix=vendored_parsers/tree-sitter-json master

Configure the build

Cargo does not allow packages to include subdirectories that contain a Cargo.toml. Add a symlink to the src/ parser subdirectory.

$ cd vendored_parsers
$ ln -s tree-sitter-json/src tree-sitter-json-src

You can now add the parser to build by including the directory in

TreeSitterParser {
    name: "tree-sitter-json",
    src_dir: "vendored_parsers/tree-sitter-json-src",
    extra_files: vec![],

If your parser includes custom C or C++ files for lexing (e.g. a, add them to extra_files.

Configure parsing

Add an entry to for your language.

Json => {
    let language = unsafe { tree_sitter_json() };
    TreeSitterConfig {
        atom_nodes: vec!["string"].into_iter().collect(),
        delimiter_tokens: vec![("{", "}"), ("[", "]")],
        highlight_query: ts::Query::new(
        sub_languages: vec![],

atom_nodes is a list of tree-sitter node names that should be treated as atoms even though the nodes have children. This is common for things like string literals or interpolated strings, where the node might have children for the opening and closing quote.

If you don't set atom_nodes, you may notice added/removed content shown in white. This is usually a sign that child node should have its parent treated as an atom.

delimiter_tokens are delimiters that difftastic stores on the enclosing list node. This allows difftastic to distinguish delimiter tokens from other punctuation in the language.

If you don't set delimiter_tokens, difftastic will consider the tokens in isolation, and may think that a ( was added but the ) was unchanged.

You can use difft --dump-ts foo.json to see the results of the tree-sitter parser, and difft --dump-syntax foo.json to confirm that you've set atoms and delimiters correctly.

sub-languages is empty for most languages: see the code documentation for details.

Configure language detection

Update language_name in to detect your new language. Insert a match arm like:

Json => "json",

There may also file names or shebangs associated with your language; configure those by adapting the language_globs, from_emacs_mode_header and from_shebang functions in that file. GitHub's linguist definitions are a useful source of common file extensions.

Syntax highlighting (Optional)

To add syntax highlighting for your language, you'll also need a symlink to the queries/highlights.scm file, if available.

$ cd vendored_parsers/highlights
$ ln -s ../tree-sitter-json/queries/highlights.scm json.scm

Test It

Search GitHub for a popular repository in your target language (example search) and confirm that git history looks sensible with difftastic.

Add a regression test

Finally, add a regression test for your language. This ensures that the output for your test file doesn't change unexpectedly.

Regression test files live in sample_files/ and have the form and

$ nano simple_before.json
$ nano simple_after.json

Run the regression test script and update the .expected file.

$ ./sample_files/
$ cp sample_files/compare.result sample_files/compare.expected


To update a parser that is already imported, use git subtree pull.

$ git subtree pull --prefix=vendored_parsers/tree-sitter-json master