

Install Rust with rustup, then clone the code.

$ git clone
$ cd difftastic

Difftastic uses Cargo for building.

$ cargo build

Debug builds are significantly slower than release builds. For files with more than fifty lines, it's usually worth using an optimised build.

$ cargo build --release


This website is generated with mdbook. mdbook can be installed with Cargo.

$ cargo install mdbook

You can then use the mdbook binary to build and serve the site locally.

$ cd manual
$ mdbook serve

API Documentation

You can browse the internal API documentation generated by rustdoc here.

Difftastic's internal docs are not available on, as it does not support binary crates today.


$ cargo test

There are also several files in sample_files/ that you can use.

The best way to test difftastic is to look at history from a real project. Set GIT_EXTERNAL_DIFF to point to your current build.

For example, you can run difftastic on its own source code.

$ GIT_EXTERNAL_DIFF=./target/release/difft git log -p --ext-diff -- src


Difftastic uses the pretty_env_logger library to log some additional debug information.

$ DFT_LOG=debug cargo run sample_files/old.jsx sample_files/new.jsx

See the env_logger documentation for full details.


Use Cargo to create a new release, and tag it in git. Difftastic has a helper script for this:

$ ./scripts/

You can now increment the version in Cargo.toml and add a new entry to